Looking Back — and Ahead

As Comstock’s magazine celebrates 30 years of publishing, we asked some members of our Editorial Advisory Board to share perspectives on their industries.

Tom Couzens

Immigrant Entrepreneurs Continue to Shape California’s Economy

Immigrants take big risks coming to California. When they get here, many decide to take another risk: launching their own company.

Immigrants are actually more likely to start a business than people born here. California consistently ranks as one of the states most reliant on immigrants for new business creation.

Jun 24, 2019 David Wagner, KPCC

St. HOPE’s Dual Approach in Oak Park Can Be a Model for Other Nonprofits

Cities across the country struggle with how to revitalize historically disenfranchised neighborhoods. An interesting and successful model — using public education, economic development and self-empowerment to drive change — has had a profound impact on a local underserved community.

Jun 14, 2019 Jake Mossawir