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Ticker Shock
The adviser-client relationship in this economy
Imagine for a moment that financial advisers and wealth managers were paid based on their performance. What if they couldn’t make money unless they made money for their clients?
A New Urban Vision
It's time to take another look at Sacramento's central city
I’m not one to study a problem to death. I’m usually in favor of action rather than talk, pragmatic solutions rather than unending analysis.

Custom Passion
How one man built a life constructing classics
The year was 1943, the world was at war and Dick Bertolucci cruised the streets of Sacramento in his first car — a black ’33 Chevy Roadster. He was 13 and didn’t have a license.

The Rural World
A shortage of doctors and access to health care
Millions of dollars could soon be available for rural health care providers across the nation.

Opportunity Knocks
Low rents and killer deals reign the commercial market in 2010
Last November, San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President Janet Yellen gave a speech on the national economy and put the prospects for the commercial real estate market in stark perspective.

Future Work Force
What will tomorrow's jobs bring for the Capital Region?
For decades, the contours of the Capital Region economy seemed etched in stone. Government, manufacturing and construction employed the bulk of the population. After the boom and bust of the past decade, however, the job profile of the future could be almost unrecognizable.

Billable Solution
When attorneys and clients negotiate fees
Stop me if you’ve heard this one: A lawyer dies young and arrives at the Pearly Gates.
“There must be some mistake!” he wails. “I’m only 31!”
St. Peter consults the records and disagrees. “Judging by the number of hours you’ve billed, you’re at least 73.”

Harmony in Paradox
One luxury development withstood the test of environmental backlash
Five years ago, Truckee’s Martis Camp fell out of the hands of land planners and golf-course designers and into the hands of lawyers.

Commercial Role
Truckee's economy can't survive on homebuilding alone
When boom went bust in Truckee, the mountain town wasn’t left empty-handed. Everywhere you look are reminders of the high times in the ski town’s real estate market — not only new homes, but new trails, a community center, a new middle school and affordable housing; the list goes on.

Open Up the Ritz
Hotel brings needed jobs to North Tahoe
Several new doors have opened in the Tahoe area the past five years, but few are as grand as those at the $300 million Ritz-Carlton at Northstar.

Deeper Channels
Challenges and successes lie ahead at the port
Several projects are in the pipeline that could strengthen the Port of West Sacramento as a hub of green activity as soon as 2011.