Calpers CEO to Earn More Than $1 Million Thanks to Big Bonus for Pension Fund Performance
CalMatters: The chief executive at California’s largest public pension fund will earn more than $1 million for the first time since she joined the agency — after its administrative board awarded her a bonus that was more than triple the size of her last performance incentive.
Jacob Cohen Ministered to the Dying and Heartsick in New York City on 9/11
Former police chaplain Jacob Cohen still feels the pain
Folsom-based, then-Chaplain Jacob Cohen was on vacation 7 miles from the World Trade Center towers when they were brought down. After the attack, he ministered to first responders, many of whom had lost friends and colleagues.
A Splendid Small-Town Getaway
Visitors can brunch, taste wine and spend the night in a pastoral paradise
The 10-acre Placer County business off Horseshoe Bar and Auburn-Folsom Road in Loomis may officially be called The Flower Farm, but it’s much more than that — historic inn, gourmet cafe, wine tasting room, gift shop, wedding and events center, nursery and citrus orchard.
Are We Ready for the Electric Revolution?
The Capital Region is leading the charge to make California EV compliant in the next decade
These days, there is a sense of possibility in Sacramento when it comes to zero emissions technology. Sacramento may not have the population numbers of New York or Los Angeles, but when it comes to EV infrastructure the California capital plays second fiddle to no city in America.
Startup of the Month: NuCicer
Davis startup seeks to raise chickpea from fringe ingredient to mainstream hero
By applying machine learning and data analytics to plant breeding, this Davis-based company aims to elevate the chickpea as a key crop to address growing food demands while also improving crop resilience, yield and nutritional value.
In Search of Pretty Produce
Consumers want big, bright fruit, nuts and other produce. How does that affect what farmers grow?
Cuties. Chandlers. Cilantro. They all start with the letter C, but what else do those words have in common? Popularity. Do consumer preferences impact farmers and what they choose to grow?
Dilemma of the Month: Am I Too Aggressive, or Is My Accuser Being Sexist?
“After working in HR for 30 years, I was told today that I was
‘too aggressive’ and that I came across as if I had an
agenda. I have never had someone say this to me before…” Is he
right? Evil HR Lady weighs in.
The Connection Point: Leisure Films Founder Nick Leisure
WATCH: Discover how Nick Leisure, the visionary behind 'Last the Night' and other projects, shapes the future of film
Learn how Nick Leisure, the creative force behind “Last the Night,” channels two decades of filmmaking expertise to shape the future of cinema.
Ready, Set, Action!
Filmmakers big and small are finding the region a congenial place to make movies
For several days this winter, Sacramentans got to play “Spot the Movie Star” while Leonardo DiCaprio and William Baldwin were both in town filming two different movies at locations all over the city. It begs the question: Could Sacramento become Hollywood North? The city and nearby Placer and El Dorado counties have a growing film industry that brings millions of dollars and thousands of jobs into the region.
We Oughta Be in Pictures!!
FROM THE PUBLISHER: Our region has long been one of Hollywood’s well-known secrets. Because of the area’s natural beauty and close to year-round clement weather (the two compelling reasons that made filmmakers leave New York in the early 1920s for a stronghold in Southern California), movies, TV shows and commercials have been shot here for years. What if we had our own film studio?