Buzzwords: Unpack
To analyze something in detail by breaking it down into its constituent parts
You’ve probably heard a professor or other erudite colleague suggest “unpacking” something, though they probably don’t mean unzipping a suitcase.

Buzzwords: Virtualization
The process of creating a virtual version of a device or resource
Technical mechanics aside, the significance and impact of virtualization — in its many iterations and implications — were felt more than ever while California and billions globally were in lockdown during the pandemic.

Buzzwords: Rightsizing
The process of hiring, firing or reassigning employees to help a business run as efficiently as possible
Rightsizing is the Goldilocks of the business world. With the ever-changing economic landscape, organizations are always on the hunt for the perfect balance — retaining a workforce that’s not too big, not too small, but just right.

Buzzwords: Solopreneur
An independent business owner who runs all aspects of the business on their own, without employees
Some choose solopreneurship because of the flexibility it provides versus the traditional corporate career path. Others become an expert in their field while working as an employee, then venture out independently to provide their services.

Buzzwords: Onboarding
The process by which a new employee is integrated into a company, from learning where the bathroom is to understanding the company culture
If you’ve ever started a new job and were told you were going to be “onboarded,” you may have had nightmarish visions of being connected up to the Borg or having your retinas scanned. (No? Just me? Maybe I watch too much science fiction.)

Buzzwords: Best Practice
A method that establishes a standard way of doing things as a means of driving higher performance, success, ideal behavior or ethics.
Professionals use the term as a guiding principle or methodology for consistency and to drive the greatest results.

Buzzwords: Big Data
Huge amounts of data about consumer preferences that is collected and analyzed to help companies predict future behavior
The term “big data” is practically synonymous these days with the Big Bad Wolf. (Cambridge Analytica ring a bell?) But is big data really that big of a deal?

Buzzwords: Disruptor
A company, technology, good or service that is so innovative and widely adopted it disrupts an existing market
In ordinary English, “disruptor” might conjure up images of a kid acting out in class, or someone holding up traffic. Among the startup set, though, disruptor has become one of the highest compliments one can receive — or give to oneself.

Buzzwords: Angel Investor
An affluent individual who invests their own money, independently of a firm, in an entrepreneurial company.
Investors — aside from having a propensity for ostentatious cars — can play a key role in a startup’s success. Beyond a financial contribution, they can have an affect on other facets of the business too.

Buzzwords: Silo
A part of a company that works in isolation from others, making for a culture of limited communication
Silos can be formed when making sure employees’ time is spent only on their expertise or when everyone in the company is so busy they feel they don’t have time to reach beyond their domain.