Capital Region Cares is our salute to the region’s nonprofits, philanthropists and volunteers who make our communities a better place by improving the lives of people, creatures and environments in need.
At Comstock’s, we believe it is the responsibility of the business community to undergird people, projects and programs by investing time and resources to improve humanitarian outcomes.
In this section, you will find stories, data and resources that will enable you to become a better supporter of these groups. If you are looking for ways to get involved with a nonprofit, serve on a board or invest in your community, Cap Cares will provide much of what you need to know.
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SVP Sacramento: Empowering Nonprofits in Telling Their Story
Storytelling is one of the most impactful ways to connect, inspire and shape a vision for the future. For many nonprofits, storytelling proves to be rather difficult. The problem is not due to a lack of stories to tell, but rather an abundance of them, making it challenging for nonprofit leaders to demonstrate exactly what they do and the impact they are having.

Family Bonding
WarmLine Family Resource Center strengthens families of children with special needs
For Jasmine Pena, having a sister with Down syndrome was not something she felt she could talk about with just anyone.