Executive Women’s Forum: Think Like your Customers

Back Event May 15, 2018

How to use Human-Centered Design to build a campaign that stands out 

For our next Executive Women’s Forum, join Tina Reynolds and Mia Lopez of Uptown Studios for a hands-on workshop using Human-Centered Design to create a marketing campaign. Learn how to think like your customers and create a campaign that is unique to your organization. You’ll be up on your feet and working with other attendees during this fun, interactive session. 

By participating in our workshop on May 15th, your charitable donation will support Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento and give you the opportunity to participate in the Habitat for Humanity Women Build Day on Wednesday, May 23rd. 

Women Build is an annual project that recruits and empowers women of all different ages, backgrounds, and industries to come together to build homes and make a powerful and visible impact on our local community through housing.  Hear more about Women Build at our event on May 15th.

to register, click here