Lead-Her-Ship Experience 101

Back Event Jan 16, 2018 @ 5:30 pm

Empowering Women to Embrace that they are Powerful, Purposed, and Priceless. 

It’s that time again…for the LeadHership Winter Session 2018. Together we will embark on an eight-week journey in which you will:

  • Become a woman who believes anything is possible and works tirelessly to succeed at whatever you set your mind to accomplish…this makes you Powerful beyond your comprehension!
  • Become a woman who wakes up with purpose and engages in the very things that makes your passions ignite. This in turn will help you to lead, delegate, and execute what needs to be done…which makes you Purposed!
  • Become a woman who realizes your unique voice, and shows up and never gives up because you are cognizant of your intrinsic value…which makes you Priceless!

For more information, click here

To register, email Cathy