NX Level Boot Camp

Back Dec 3, 2014 @ 8 am

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

This program is designed for people who want to start their own business or expand an existing business! 

Experienced professionals will teach you how to write or improve a comprehensive and successful business plan. 

$400 – ALL 3 DAYS
Includes: workbooks, supplies, breakfasts and graduation lunch. 
$40 – PER DAY
Includes: workshops
available to early applicants. 

DAY 1: Dec. 3; 8am-12:30pm
DAY 2: Dec. 10; 8am-12:30pm
DAY 3: Dec. 17; 8am-2:00pm

Governors Inn 
210 Richards Blvd.
Sacramento, CA

Click here to register!