Why Bosses Should Let Employees Surf the Web at Work
Checking Facebook and personal email can boost employee morale
Most workers don’t spend 100 percent of your time at the office doing what they’re supposed to be doing. When it comes to surfing the web, new research says that could help with stressful work environments.

Startup of the Month: Humaxa
A new model for employee-satisfaction surveys
Humaxa uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to help employers boost productivity and satisfaction among their workforce.

Why Every Company Needs a Chief Fun Officer
When it comes to the competition for talent and building great teams with engaged workforces, those organizations that provide an environment in which employees are able to have some fun are likely to have the last laugh.

Parental Leave Laws Still Disadvantage Single Moms and Dads
A growing number of states have passed paid time off laws for new parents aimed at addressing a major gap in American workplace policy. The new laws are a step forward, but they put single parents at a disadvantage.

Private Companies Should Prepare for a Possible U.S.-Iran Cyber War
Iran and other nations have waged a stealth cyberwar against the United States for at least the past decade, largely targeting not the government itself but, rather, critical infrastructure companies. This threat to the private sector will get much worse before it gets better and businesses need to be prepared to deal with it.

It’s Time To End the ‘Queen Bee’ Myth
What if the Queen Bee isn’t real? Or at least she’s sorely misunderstood?

When Play Works
Why working harder sometimes means playing more
In the business world, we win some, and we lose some — it’s the nature of the game. Learning how to have fun within the process can result in a better outcome and keep managers and employees sane and engaged.

Want To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions? Use Science
The key to mastering habits is to understand how difficult it is to simply will them away. But you can deploy a kind of “reverse-engineering” based on the science of habits.

Buzzwords: Best Practice
A method that establishes a standard way of doing things as a means of driving higher performance, success, ideal behavior or ethics.
Professionals use the term as a guiding principle or methodology for consistency and to drive the greatest results.

Risk Management
HaneyBiz CEO Mark Haney on advice for investors and entrepreneurs
Mark Haney, the entrepreneur, angel investor, radio host and CEO of Rocklin-based HaneyBiz, says investors should look for startup founders who work well together and are committed to the product.