Happy almost New Year, and the final frontiers

The Capital Region Rundown: A New Yorker essayist in our own backyard, the techie migration, and a land acknowledgment

Good morning, Capital Region residents. We’re thinking of you this week as we pull together our annual list of this year’s top stories. After all, what is our “top” list but a reflection of your interests and attention, your curiosity and caring spirit. Stay tuned for that to be published on our site this Friday. For now, here’s the latest content we published this past week:

New Yorker essayist Sarah Miller (author of last year’s “Cancel New Year’s Eve Forever”) shares what she loves and loathes about her craft, and about the place she calls home, Nevada City; the technology workforce spreads out to Northern California’s rural regions, presenting entrepreneurs with both obstacles and opportunities; tribal officials work with Sacramento city government to secure a recognition of tribal land, creating opportunities for education.

We hope all is well in your world on these last few days of 2021. Have a very happy and safe New Year, and might we suggest you resolve to subscribe to the magazine, and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for daily stories and extras. 

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