5th Annual Big Day of Giving


Back May 3, 2018

A program of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation’s initiative to grow local philanthropy, Big Day of Giving is a 24-hour online giving challenge that brings together the region’s nonprofit community to help raise much needed unrestricted funds and shine a spotlight on the work nonprofits do to make the Sacramento region the place we call home.

For the past few years,the giving day has united our community, raising more than $23 million for local nonprofits from over 36,000 donors from all over the region, the state, the country, and the world.

The Big Day of Giving is a small moment in time each year when this region takes a day to celebrate the spirit of giving.  Even with the technology challenges during the 2017 event, donors found a way to make their donations and the nonprofits were still given a platform to shine.

While the day itself is just 24 hours, the nine months prior to the day are just as important and we look forward to making this a year-round experience. Our new BIG Day of Giving website will house both year-round giving as well as the one-day giving event. Donors will be able to learn about local nonprofits and make donations year-round as well as participate in the 24-hour giving frenzy once a year during Big Day of Giving. Our goal is to bring donors and nonprofits together for a meaningful experience that lasts well beyond those 24-hours.  

The Big Day of Giving and GivingEdge could not happen without the outpouring of support from the region. Every year, dozens of corporations, businesses, funders, media outlets, civic organizations, and leaders rally to help spread the word, sponsor prizes and engage with nonprofit partners. We are so thankful for the enormous support given to this event and its mission. 

Big Day of Giving takes place on May 3rd  from midnight to midnight. You can give two ways! Visit the website starting on April 18th and schedule your gift ahead of time, or give in the moment and watch as your favorite nonprofits raise much needed dollars! Many of them will have matching dollars available and all are eligible for additional dollars through prize challenges.  For more information, or to schedule a gift, visit https://bigdayofgiving.org  

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