The Student Loan Payment Pause Is Over. So What Are Your Options?
After more than a three-year federal student loan payment pause, payments resumed on Oct. 1, 2023. I have spoken to hundreds of borrowers and understand their confusion and concerns about returning to repayment and the options available for them.

USI Insurance Services
USI Insurance Services is a premier insurance brokerage and consulting firm with over 200 offices nationwide, including two in the Greater Sacramento area, offering best-in class solutions to local communities.
![Pictured: [Top Row L-R] Chris Mann, Partner; John Urrutia, Partner; Kriss Ann Mann, Partner; Justin Williams, Partner; [Middle Row L-R] Neil Beeman, Partner; Lou Catalano,
Partner; Brad Bartells, Partner; Clint Bedolido, Partner; Erica Pastor, Partner; [Bottom Row L-R] Joey Romero, Partner; Andrea Cumings, Partner; Julie Clouse, CEO](https://www.comstocksmag.com/sites/main/files/imagecache/tile/main-images/mun_cpas_1123_full_page_digital.jpg?1698930300)
MUN CPAs is celebrating 20 years in business as well as their tremendous success and growth during the past two decades.

Running a Family Business in California Isn’t Easy
But local organizations are here to help
The line from “The Godfather,” “It’s not personal, it’s strictly business,” does not apply to the members of a family business. For us, there are a wide range of emotions that start at an early age as we realize that we are part of something that consumes our parents’ time, including conversations at dinner and the holidays.

You Suspect Fraud Within Your Business – Now What?
By Jolene Fraser
When faced with suspicions of possible fraud within your organization, the immediate response may not always be readily apparent, especially if there are no protocols or procedures in place for such a situation

Plumas Bank
Jag Madare, Vice President
Banks play a crucial role in supporting local economies by helping small businesses expand and thrive. If small businesses are the engines that drive our communities forward, then banks, especially community banks, provide the fuel for those engines. Plumas Bank has spent more than 40 years powering small and medium-sized businesses in the region.

The Wage of Innocence?
Comstock’s president and publisher reflects on minimum wage and the value of work.

‘Fight City’: The Past, Present and Future of Stockton with Phillip Merlo
PODCAST EPISODE: San Joaquin County Historical Museum’s executive director and fifth generation Stocktonian Phillip Merlo speaks on the rich history, abundant opportunities and dogged optimism of the port city.

Manufacturing a New Vision for Stockton
Stockton manufacturers look to capitalize while operating in the historic region
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Stockton was a manufacturing powerhouse, helping to send items to market like America’s first mass-produced tractors. Stockton’s manufacturing sector declined over many decades, though there are now local leaders working to strengthen it again.

Successful Entrepreneurs Are Innovative Risk-Takers
Comstock’s president and publisher considers the risks involved in becoming a successful small-business entrepreneur — such as starting a magazine with just $2.50 in your pocket.