
We’ve Got a Winner!

Thanks to our stellar community for your ongoing support

As a business magazine serving the Capital Region, we spend 99 percent of our time looking outward, focusing on the stories of great leaders and companies making strides to improve their outcomes and communities. But every so often we find a reason to commandeer the microphone and tell a great story from within.

Jun 1, 2015 Christine Calvin
(Illustrations: Shutterstock)

So You Want to Try Telecommuting

3 steps to get you started

Telecommuting is a hot topic around many water coolers and a popular office perk, particularly for enticing young professionals. But while it may be commonplace in a number of companies, deciding if it is right for your team takes careful consideration. If you do choose to enable telecommuting, a few simple policies can make the process smoother.

May 29, 2015 Kelly Azevedo

A Voice for Millions

Acuity with Jeannine English

Jeannine English assumed the office of AARP president in June 2014. Previously, she chaired the AARP National Policy Council and served as president of AARP California. This year, she’ll be directing the organization in advocating on behalf of its 37 million members.

May 28, 2015 Christine Calvin

Hand to Mouth

The laws and ethics of dying by starvation

Can people who are cognitively intact today decide to put into place directives stating that, if they ever develop advanced Alzheimer’s disease in the future, they want to go without food and water? Can someone forbid their future caregivers and nursing home aides from extending that spoon, as Don Reynolds puts it, if Alzheimer’s strips them of their selves?

May 26, 2015 Anita Creamer