Margaret Shakespeare writes about archaeology, agriculture,
design, hospitality, baseball, music, wildlife, the environment,
cultural history, remote destinations and more — often entwining
several of her interests to tell compelling stories. Her work has
been published by The New York Times, Wine and Spirits, Discover,
Wildlife Conservation, Opera News, leading university alumni
magazines and many other national consumer and trade
publications. She is a long-time contributor to Landscape
Architecture Magazine and the author of several books. Her
passport has been stamped at over a hundred foreign borders. She
lives in New York City and on the North Fork of Long Island in a
quirky 200-year-old farmhouse.
By this person

Putting North American Grapes on the (Genetic) Map
UC Davis research on native grapes may help winegrowers adapt to climate change
UC Davis researchers have created the first ever comprehensive pangenome for North American grapes, a blueprint that will allow breeders to select rootstock by its genetic propensity for specific desired traits — say, drought tolerance or heat resistance.

Going to the Dogs
Lodi vineyards and nurseries test canine pest detection
The solution to one of the wine industry’s most costly and threatening problems may be coming soon from Lodi — and it will trot out on four feet, tails a-wagging, with noses keener than even advanced scientific equipment.