Reset and Drink Up

These Capital Region cafes offer food and drink with a side of health care

Across the region, health food businesses are branching beyond acai bowls and chia-seed puddings to offer customers a broader spectrum of health programs and treatments. From juice cleanses to lattes with a side of ionic detoxification, the spread of these businesses demonstrates that customers are willing to invest in their health — and are looking beyond the traditional health care system to do so. 

Feb 22, 2024 Sarah Bun

Startup of the Month: AgriNerds

Mapping tool helps farmers track carriers of bird flu

In recent years, avian influenza (or “bird flu”) has been on a rampage, wiping out wild and domestic birds, disrupting the environment, and causing a shortage of eggs and poultry meat. The Davis-based startup AgriNerds aims to help farmers to identify potential risks and protect poultry against the threat of diseased ducks.

Feb 2, 2024 Russell Nichols

Give Bees a Chance

Farmers restore habitat for native pollinators

As California grew into a vast agricultural region during the early 20th century, native grasslands, forests and riparian habitats were gradually replaced by farmlands and orchards. Though green things thrive on farms as a matter of business, there’s very little biodiversity on a traditional farm — and not much room for pollen specialists.

Dec 11, 2023 Becki Robins