Dilemma of the Month: Padding an Employee’s Timecard

The Fair Labor Standards Act has strict rules regarding paying nonexempt employees, and California is even stricter; one of the key components is that employees must be paid for every hour they work

Sep 6, 2019 Suzanne Lucas

A Split-Roll Property Tax Measure Is Bad for Business

Next year, voters will be asked to amend Prop. 13 through a ballot measure that will upset more than 40 years of that steadiness and a “no surprises” business environment. It’s a tax hit businesses can’t afford, especially in an economy with flat consumer spending and trade tariffs.

Sep 3, 2019 Winnie Comstock-Carlson

California’s Tourism Industry Could Be a Boon for Local Communities

California continues to surf a huge economic wave with year-after-year tourism growth, generating more than $140 billion for the state last year and supporting the livelihoods of millions of residents. But as any big wave surfer knows, the thrill of success also comes with perils, and in the case of tourism, the situation can get gnarly fast. 

Aug 29, 2019 Costas Christ & Caroline Beteta

How to Become a Coach-Style Leader

A good leader is someone whose people are productive, innovative and excited to be part of the team. How does an employee — particularly one new to a leadership role — develop the skills to create and manage such a team?

Aug 28, 2019 Cami McLaren

Former Base is Booming: How it All Began

Late in October 1997, Comstock’s hosted a roundtable discussion on the future of McClellan Air Force Base, which was slated to be closed July 13, 2001. At that time, the entire business community was struggling with what to do about the upcoming base closure and its anticipated negative economic impact. There were many conversations, of course, but few ideas.

Jul 16, 2019 Winnie Comstock-Carlson

Looking Back — and Ahead

As Comstock’s magazine celebrates 30 years of publishing, we asked some members of our Editorial Advisory Board to share perspectives on their industries.

Tom Couzens

The Comstock Name Has a Long and Storied History

The July issue of our magazine has a very recognizable name across its masthead. Launching and publishing a magazine is not an easy quest, so I smile as I think that 30 years have passed. This month’s issue is the 360th edition of Comstock’s

Jun 26, 2019 Winnie Comstock-Carlson