Parental Leave Laws Still Disadvantage Single Moms and Dads

A growing number of states have passed paid time off laws for new parents aimed at addressing a major gap in American workplace policy. The new laws are a step forward, but they put single parents at a disadvantage.

Jan 14, 2020 Deborah Widiss, The Conversation

Private Companies Should Prepare for a Possible U.S.-Iran Cyber War

Iran and other nations have waged a stealth cyberwar against the United States for at least the past decade, largely targeting not the government itself but, rather, critical infrastructure companies. This threat to the private sector will get much worse before it gets better and businesses need to be prepared to deal with it.

Jan 13, 2020 Bryan Cunningham, The Conversation

PG&E’s Shut-Offs Add to the Challenges of Rural Living

There are many benefits to living in rural areas. But doing so comes with its own challenges. PG&E’s answer to the challenges of wildfires: Shut off power — a move that has hit rural areas the hardest.

Jan 2, 2020 Winnie Comstock-Carlson