Getting to Know: Mallory Maupin and Samuel Rose
Local fashion duo launches Topstitch, a production house for education, design and manufacturing in Sacramento
In their brightly lit, smartly appointed shop in Midtown, Topstitch owners Mallory Maupin and Samuel Rose teach workshops, fulfill custom orders, consult on product development and work on their own projects.

Women Who Wine
The new face of women winemakers emerges from California universities’ viticulture programs
The viticulture program at UC Davis, as well as its sister programs at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo and Fresno State University, are quickly growing a new crop of women winemakers who could steer the industry in new directions.

The Rise and Fall of the Mall
Sunrise Mall and other shopping centers seek to reinvent themselves in a changing retail landscape
As many as 25 percent of America’s roughly 1,000 malls will close within three to five years, according to a recent study by Coresight Research. Migration patterns, a shift towards online retail and the pandemic are all cited as factors in the struggle of retail centers.

Grass Valley’s Foothill Mercantile Changes With the Seasons
Store has more than 23,000 toys and gifts on display
The store has delighted visitors through several generations while also featuring a wide selection of greeting cards, puzzles, candy, gifts and houseware items. Having an internet presence has helped them return to pre-pandemic sales numbers.

Getting to Know: Makers Mart
The production team behind a long-running holiday fair hits its stride with city funding and community support
The team behind Makers Mart, Sacramento’s annual holiday bazaar, has dealt with a litany of challenging logistics over the last decade. But the show always goes on in high style.

Reimagining Commercial Corridors
Capital Region cities inject new investment into aging parts of town
Modern planning now focuses on elements beyond brick-and-mortar
retail and commercial. Community events, alternative
transportation with safe travel for pedestrians and bicyclists,
and redesigned streetscapes with drought-tolerant landscaping
have become central considerations.

The Way We Work: Jeff Richardson
A glimpse into the daily life of Jeff Richardson, senior general manager of the Westfield Galleria at Roseville
Each issue, we dig into the working habits of a top executive in the Capital Region, providing insight into how they get things done.

200 Costumed Dogs March Through Midtown
A Sacramento dog parade promotes pet businesses and nonprofits — an important part of the local economy
On Saturday, Sacramento’s furry four-legged friends took over for a couple of hours, trotting through the neighborhood costumed and in pursuit of snacks at the second annual Tricks for Treats.

Makers Give Downtown Stockton a Makeover
A makers’ mart in a mixed-use downtown building signals a new era of city planning in Stockton
Makers Made, a shop and platform for entrepreneurs to sell
handmade goods and wares, is part of a larger downtown
redevelopment trend in Stockton.

Tahoe City’s Green Envy and Tahoe Tree Company Help Keep Tahoe Landscaped
Serving the Lake Tahoe region for almost 20 years, John Crus’ clients inhabit some of the most beautiful properties in California
Crus’ nursery and landscaping construction company help
shape the region’s image and produce plants that
withstand the rough high-elevation climate of the area.