Trump Moves to Ease Obama Auto-Mileage Rules, California’s Clout
The Trump administration, taking aim at one of former President Barack Obama’s signature environmental achievements, is proposing to suspend required increases in vehicle fuel economy after 2020 and unwind California’s authority to limit tailpipe greenhouse gas emissions in the state.

Woodland Gears Up for Central Transit Hub
City evaluating a $4.9 million transit center near downtown
Looking to boost Woodland’s downtown, streamline bus routes and combine transportation options, the community is evaluating a proposed $4.9 million transit center. The first step is figuring out just where to build the facility.

Closing the Transportation Gap
Shared mobility startup Envoy launching in Sacramento
Envoy’s launch in Sacramento ties in well with the “Green City” initiative by Volkswagen’s subsidiary Electrify America, in which $44 million in investment in zero-emission vehicle infrastructure, car-sharing services, delivery fleet and education is set to occur.

Back and Forward: Donna DeMartino
San Joaquin Regional Transit CEO on the future of regional transit
Donna DeMartino, CEO of the San Joaquin Regional Transit, offers her insight into the regional transit industry.

Connections Across the Causeway Vital to Growth
Connectivity between the capital city and one of the leading research universities in the nation is an obvious essential ingredient if our region’s diverse set of assets are to be leveraged collectively. This is particularly relevant as UC Davis and the City of Sacramento work together to provide the jobs and lifestyle amenities more likely to keep university graduates in the region.

Road Map
California High Speed Rail Authority CEO Brian Kelly on infrastructure, gas taxes and public transit
After five years as the Secretary of the California State Transportation Agency, Brian Kelly took the helm as CEO of California High Speed Rail Authority, effective February 1. We sat down with him to talk about the state’s critical infrastructure needs and the nation’s first high-speed rail system as construction continues in the Central Valley.

Electric Avenue
How will Sacramento’s designation as a ‘Green City’ shift the transportation landscape?
Last summer, Sacramento learned it would become Volkswagen’s first “Green City,” earning millions in investment from the tarnished brand’s subsidiary, Electrify America. Where will this money go, and what does it mean for the local auto technology industry?

Back and Forward: Lloyd Levine
Director of media and public relations of Sacramento Electric Vehicle Association on EV adoption
Lloyd Levine, a former state legislator, and the current director of media and public relations for the Sacramento Electric Vehicle Association offers us his insight into electric vehicle adoption.

Not Driving to Work is the Hot New High-End Job Perk
Among the many, many things that the Census Bureau asks in the annual American Community Survey, the 2016 results of which were released last week, is this: How did this person usually get to work last week?

Truckin’ to the Suburbs
Food truck events find acceptance and easy rules to operate in cities on the outskirts of Sacramento
SactoMoFo, which had held regular events over the years that opened the door for food trucks in Sacramento, hosted its 10th and final central city gathering at the Railyards on April 29.