A Spinster’s Guide to Professional Parenthood
The intersection of parenthood, motherhood particularly, and the workplace is not a space without landmines. Next time you’re at a party, ask who has it tougher — then, run.

Birth Control
Even with advanced family planning methods more readily available, working moms still struggle to have it all
While reproductive technologies have given women and families more control and additional tools, having it all still seems a far leap. Treatments are expensive (most insurance plans won’t cover much), time-consuming and not always effective. Meanwhile, workplace politics have been slow to shift and accommodate a growing number of working moms.

How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking
Public speaking routinely tops the list of common phobias. Butterflies in the stomach, sweaty palms, anxiety are all typical manifestations of the discomfort, which is often much less noticeable to the audience than to the one doing the speaking. However, unlike being trapped in a dark room with snakes, glossophobia (fear of public speaking) affects the ability to do something much more common.

The Blog Bloc: Uniting Bloggers to Hone Their Craft
Blogging is a burgeoning business, but networking, education and support for bloggers are sorely lacking. Kachet Jackson-Henderson, a blogger herself for the last five years, has a solution. She’s launching The Blog Bloc, a business organization and networking opportunity for bloggers and online influencers in the Sacramento region and beyond.

Freelance Life: Learning to Balance the Hustle
6 tips for avoiding burnout when you’re always working
Freelance burnout hits the best of us; I don’t think I know one freelancer who at some point thought to him or herself, “Well shoot, this just isn’t working anymore,” when they hit those crossroads. Trust your instinct and, at the end of the day, do what’s best for you and your business by adding more flow to the freelance hustle.

Action Items: Expanding Our Creative Capital
Clay Nutting and Celestine Syphax discuss collaboration between established and grassroots art institutions
On this episode of Action Items, arts entrepreneur and restaurateur Clay Nutting joins Celestine Syphax to discuss what the grassroots art movement can learn from institutional arts organizations in the Capital Region — and vice versa.

Sacramento Musicians Want a Clear Message on Busking
No city ordinance regulates street performing, but conflicting rules have created lots of confusion
April Walker made her first $10 as a musician on the wooden sidewalks of Old Sacramento five years ago. A then-transplant from Fairfield, Walker — whose stage name is SpaceWalker — carried her guitar case and a desire to expand her artistic roots to the historic district, the K Street tunnel and other downtown spots.

From Lobbyist to Wellness Coach
Jobs in politics, education and yoga taught one Sacramento woman to look at life through the lens of public service
Hackbarth’s life in politics and advocacy was the right course of action for her, until it wasn’t. So she did something about it — returning to school and experimenting with different jobs until she landed on the new career that best suits her as a wellness coach.

Freelance Life: Your Guide to Tax Deductions
Get the ultimate tax ROI as a self-employed freelancer
Here are 10 qualified tax deductions to consider as you power through tax season … and to ensure you get ultimate tax ROI as the hard-working, self-employed freelancer that you are.

3 Types of Support You Think You Don’t Need
Outsourcing these basic tasks can skyrocket your productivity
Spending more time on work-related tasks often creates a time deficit at home, leading to increased stress. The catch-22 is that when you have healthy balanced meals, a clean home and fresh laundry, it’s easier to tackle the growth of your business and challenges that come up.