Buzzwords: Unpack
To analyze something in detail by breaking it down into its constituent parts
You’ve probably heard a professor or other erudite colleague suggest “unpacking” something, though they probably don’t mean unzipping a suitcase.

Influencing Our Habits
The business of selling a lifestyle through social media has become much more commonplace
There are more than 3,000 influencers in Sacramento. To succeed, they need to build an audience, establish a brand and create compelling content.

Time to Take Charge
‘The great pause’ caused by the coronavirus is an opportunity for emerging leaders
Here are five simple tips for emerging leaders to be different — to give rise to the leader within.

Planning During Coronavirus
For young business owners, the time is right to put together a savings and investment plan
Here’s what financial planning experts in the Capital Region say young adults can think about to stay alive financially through 2020 and beyond.

Dilemma of the Month: Why Startups Need HR Help Before They Launch
It’s always easier to start with a good, solid HR plan than to
throw one together the first time you have an issue.

How Leaders Can Build True Inclusion
Adrienne S. Lawson, of UC Davis Health, talks about how leaders can promote workplace inclusion and justice
As the U.S. grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, factors such as socioeconomic status, education, neighborhood and employment play a pivotal role in the fight against systemic racism and social injustice.

Navigating the New Flexibility
Brett Sargent, founder and CEO of True North Consulting, offers advice on Paycheck Protection Program loans
On June 5, President Donald Trump signed an extension as part of the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act, allowing business owners 24 weeks, instead of eight, to use loans. Brett Sargent explains the options.

Buzzwords: Virtualization
The process of creating a virtual version of a device or resource
Technical mechanics aside, the significance and impact of virtualization — in its many iterations and implications — were felt more than ever while California and billions globally were in lockdown during the pandemic.

Dilemma of the Month: How Working Remotely Can Be Effective for Your Company
Employers are considering making the temporary measures for
people to work from home caused by the coronavirus lockdown more
formal. What are their obligations to their employees?

Putting Security at the Forefront
Brian Maletsky of Capital Network Solutions talks about cybersecurity challenges faced by businesses with employees working remotely
As companies have transitioned en masse to remote operations due to the coronavirus, Brian Maletsky has had a front-row seat to some of their cybersecurity missteps. He spoke to Comstock’s about some of the unique security challenges businesses are facing during the pandemic.